5 questions to ask to develop more inclusive ways of working

At Within People, we're always interrogating the way we deliver our work. Our approach has always been underpinned by a coaching methodology, and we also want to ensure that we're consciously creating an equitable and inclusive ways of working for our team and our clients, too.

These questions are designed to help us approach all our work with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in mind. What questions would you add? What are we missing? Tell us in the comments below.

How are we showing up?

What bias might we be bringing to this process?

What assumptions might we be making about people and their needs?

Who is part of this process?

Who is part of this conversation? 

Who is not? Whose voice might be missing?

Does anyone need more support?

Is this process accessible for everyone? 

Can everyone access the tools and information they need to participate?

Does anyone need extra help to participate?

Have we created a safe space?

Is the physical environment inclusive?

Have we created a space where people feel safe to contribute? 

Have we asked historically underrepresented groups what that looks like for them?

Can everyone use what we made?

What barriers exist for people to use or engage with what we created?

Are we using inclusive language and visuals?


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