Codifying culture, EX Design Laurie Bennett Codifying culture, EX Design Laurie Bennett

Employee Experience Masterclass: How to engage your team during times of change and uncertainty

Employee Experience Masterclass: How to Engage your Team During Times of Change and Uncertainty

The world of work has gone through a series of evolutionary shifts over the past few years. But one key fundamental truth stayed the same: a company’s success depends on its employees. After all, employee experience is the new customer experience.

And in times of change and uncertainty, a solid framework for good employee experience will help support your team to increase retention, engagement, and wellbeing.

Join our new Employee Experience Masterclass. In partnership with an expert panel of industry thought leaders, this webinar will specifically focus on how to engage your team during times of change and uncertainty.

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Future of work Emily Shelton Future of work Emily Shelton

Our hopes for 21st century business in 2023

As 2022 comes to a close and 2023 comes whipping around the corner, it’s important to reflect on the lessons learned and what we can fix our eyes to next year to keep us energized and aligned.

We did this in our very own end of year partner celebration when we asked our partners what gave them hope for company culture in 2023. Here's what we heard:

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